October 2nd

Chew Valley Lake

Bristol Water

The Usk trout season has finished, the Wye has grayling but too much water. So to avoid 'cabin fever' I set off for Chew Valley Lake. This is rightly famous for its rainbow trout fishing, but today I fancied something different.

At some point in recent history some pike found their way into the lake. How? Well they didn't walk; rumour has it they were assisted; but anyway they are present, and in recent years people have begun to fish for these big toothy beasts.

I too have begun to fish for them; starting today. I had caught pike before on the fly, but mostly as an accident whilst targeting trout. Today I rigged an 8 weight with a wire trace and an outrageously large and gaudy fly. The results were a pleasant surprise. I caught pike and they put up a good fight. I shall try this branch of our sport again.




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Chew Valley Lake

Fry bashers at Woodford Bank


A fellow fisher heroically removes the fly and poses with the toothy beast